IVF Department

At Anand surgical hospital we provide you advanced in-vitro fertilization technology at highly affordable rate. After proper evaluation, we identify the problem with investigations and physical examination and provide treatment based on the diagnosis.


One out of every six couples have trouble conceiving sometime during their reproductive years. This may have devastating effects on a couple’s life. At our infertility clinic in Ahmedabad we effectively handle these personal and private matters while keeping due care of ethics to maintain the confidentiality of our patients. This greatly reduces the suffering of the couples going through this phase. We not only assess and treat the patients but also counsel them to reorient their thoughts.

  • Male and female infertility assessment and counselling
  • Ultrasound and hormonal analysis
  • Endoscopy and tubal evaluation
  • Intrauterine insemination (IUI)
  • In vitro fertilisation (IVF)
  • Intra cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
  • Egg/sperm/embryo donation
  • Egg/ sperm/embryo freezing (vitrification)


It takes just one sperm to fertilize a woman’s egg and achieve fatherhood. However, in 60% of all couples that experience infertility, infertile male factor may be the reason for infertility. Thus, our infertility clinic in Ahmedabad stresses on the need to evaluate both the genders.

  • Semen analysis
  • Hormonal evaluation
  • Doppler ultrasound evaluation for varicocele
  • Sperm function tests - DNA fragmentation, HOS test
  • Sperm viability testing - Magnetic activated cell sorting (MACS)
  • Surgical sperm retrieval by PESA/ TESA/ TESE/microdissetion TESE
  • Assessment and medical treatment of male sexual problems


The infertility clinic in Ahmedabad that is a part of the IVF centre at KD Hospital provides you the latest and newest techniques to bring hope and happiness back to your life.

  • Blastocyst culture
  • Assisted hatching
  • Endometrial Receptivity Array
  • MACS for sperm processing
  • Single embryo transfer
  • Pre-implantation genetic screening
  • Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a process by which egg cells are fertilized by sperm outside the womb, in vitro. IVF is a major treatment in infertility when other methods of assisted reproductive technology have failed. The process involves hormonally controlling the ovulatory process, removing ova (eggs) from the woman’s ovaries and letting sperm fertilise them in a fluid medium. The fertilised egg (zygote) is then transferred to the patient’s uterus with the intent to establish a successful pregnancy.

There are a variety of indications for IVF.

  • Male Factor Infertility: Male factor infertility includes low count and motility, high number of abnormal forms, ejaculatory dysfunctions, Failed reversal of Vasectomy/ Tubectomy, obstructive azoospermia etc.
  • Age-Related Infertility: higher the age lesser the chances of conception. The fertility index keeps on decreasing after the age of 30 – 35
  • Reduced ovarian reserve, which means lower quantity (and sometimes quantity) of eggs. A day 3 FSH and estradiol test, antral follicle counts and AMH hormone levels are often done as screening tests for egg quantity. Reduced egg quantity and quality is usually treated with either IVF, or with IVF with egg donation
  • Absent or Damaged Fallopian Tubes: Rarely the fallopian tubes are found absent since birth. Many causes lead to blockage and damage of tube like severe adhesions, surgical procedures, infections etc.
  • Endometriosis: The presence of tissue that normally grows inside the uterus (womb) in an abnormal anatomical location. Endometriosis is very common and may not produce symptoms, or it may lead to painful menstruation. It has also been associated with infertility
  • Unexplained Infertility: Sometimes inspite of being absolutely normal male and female with normal hormonal assays, regular sexual intercourse and with all normal reports the couple is unable to conceive, this condition can be termed as unexplained infertility
  • Recurrent Intrauterine Insemination Failure: repeated failure of IUI trials is also an indication for IVF. Inspite of good IUI trials with gonadotrophins and good post wash, if conception does not take place IVF is a better option
  • Tubal and Pelvic Adhesions: pelvic adhesions and tubal adhesion may make tube incapable of nurturing the eggs and conception fails. Blockage of tubes arises due to pelvic adhesions
  • Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)– In cases of repeated abortions and neo natal death PGD becomes necessary. PGD can be done only after IVF. [ PGD also helps in diagnosing several genetic diseases
  • Premature Menopause:Also termed as premature ovarion failure, where the function of ovaries stops before the age of 30, Egg donation proves a better option which is possible only with IVF

How does IVF improve fertility?

  • We force the body to produce multiple follicles and eggs (only one follicle with one egg inside develops in a natural menstrual cycle)
  • We take the eggs out of the ovaries when they’re ready (release and tubal pickup of the egg can be inefficient naturally)
  • We coerce fertilization in the lab (sperm or egg issues can cause fertilization problems in a natural situation)
  • We culture the embryos for several days and then pick the best one (or more) for transfer to the female (selection of the best one(s) increases the chance of success)
  • We transfer the embryo(s) to the best location in the middle of the uterine cavity (tubal transport of the embryo to the uterus is bypassed)